4,121 research outputs found

    Ranges of bimodule projections and reflexivity

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    We develop a general framework for reflexivity in dual Banach spaces, motivated by the question of when the weak* closed linear span of two reflexive masa-bimodules is automatically reflexive. We establish an affirmative answer to this question in a number of cases by examining two new classes of masa-bimodules, defined in terms of ranges of masa-bimodule projections. We give a number of corollaries of our results concerning operator and spectral synthesis, and show that the classes of masa-bimodules we study are operator synthetic if and only if they are strong operator Ditkin

    Multidimensional operator multipliers

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    We introduce multidimensional Schur multipliers and characterise them generalising well known results by Grothendieck and Peller. We define a multidimensional version of the two dimensional operator multipliers studied recently by Kissin and Shulman. The multidimensional operator multipliers are defined as elements of the minimal tensor product of several C*-algebras satisfying certain boundedness conditions. In the case of commutative C*-algebras, the multidimensional operator multipliers reduce to continuous multidimensional Schur multipliers. We show that the multipliers with respect to some given representations of the corresponding C*-algebras do not change if the representations are replaced by approximately equivalent ones. We establish a non-commutative and multidimensional version of the characterisations by Grothendieck and Peller which shows that universal operator multipliers can be obtained as certain weak limits of elements of the algebraic tensor product of the corresponding C*-algebras.Comment: A mistake in the previous versio

    Chiral zero modes of the SU(n) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model

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    We define the chiral zero modes' phase space of the G=SU(n) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model as an (n-1)(n+2)-dimensional manifold M_q equipped with a symplectic form involving a special 2-form - the Wess-Zumino (WZ) term - which depends on the monodromy M. This classical system exhibits a Poisson-Lie symmetry that evolves upon quantization into an U_q(sl_n) symmetry for q a primitive even root of 1. For each constant solution of the classical Yang-Baxter equation we write down explicitly a corresponding WZ term and invert the symplectic form thus computing the Poisson bivector of the system. The resulting Poisson brackets appear as the classical counterpart of the exchange relations of the quantum matrix algebra studied previously. We argue that it is advantageous to equate the determinant D of the zero modes' matrix to a pseudoinvariant under permutations q-polynomial in the SU(n) weights, rather than to adopt the familiar convention D=1.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, uses amsfonts; v.2 - small corrections, Appendix and a reference added; v.3 - amended version for J. Phys.

    A Quantum Gauge Group Approach to the 2D SU(n) WZNW Model

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    The canonical quantization of the WZNW model provides a complete set of exchange relations in the enlarged chiral state spaces that include the Gauss components of the monodromy matrices. Regarded as new dynamical variables, the elements of the latter cannot be identified -- they satisfy different exchange relations. Accordingly, the two dimensional theory expressed in terms of the left and right movers' fields does not automatically respect monodromy invariance. Continuing our recent analysis of the problem by gauge theory methods we conclude that physical states (on which the two dimensional field acts as a single valued operator) are invariant under the (permuted) coproduct of the left and right Uq(sl(n))U_q(sl(n)). They satisfy additional constraints fully described for n=2.Comment: 10 pages, LATEX (Proposition 4.2 corrected, one reference added

    On the Newtonian origin of the spin motive force in ferromagnetic atomic wires

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    We demonstrate numerically the existence of a spin-motive force acting on spin-carriers when moving in a time and space dependent internal field. This is the case of electrons in a one-dimensional wires with a precessing domain wall. The effect can be explained solely by considering adiabatic dynamics and it is shown to exist for both classical and quantum systems.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, added figure 7 and tex

    Magneto-mechanical interplay in spin-polarized point contacts

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    We investigate the interplay between magnetic and structural dynamics in ferromagnetic atomic point contacts. In particular, we look at the effect of the atomic relaxation on the energy barrier for magnetic domain wall migration and, reversely, at the effect of the magnetic state on the mechanical forces and structural relaxation. We observe changes of the barrier height due to the atomic relaxation up to 200%, suggesting a very strong coupling between the structural and the magnetic degrees of freedom. The reverse interplay is weak, i.e. the magnetic state has little effect on the structural relaxation at equilibrium or under non-equilibrium, current-carrying conditions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Are current-induced forces conservative?

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    The expression for the force on an ion in the presence of current can be derived from first principles without any assumption about its conservative character. However, energy functionals have been constructed that indicate that this force can be written as the derivative of a potential function. On the other hand, there exist compelling specific arguments that strongly suggest the contrary. We propose physical mechanisms that invalidate such arguments and demonstrate their existence with first-principles calculations. While our results do not constitute a formal resolution to the fundamental question of whether current-induced forces are conservative, they represent a substantial step forward in this direction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figures, submitted to PR

    Operator realization of the SU(2) WZNW model

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    Decoupling the chiral dynamics in the canonical approach to the WZNW model requires an extended phase space that includes left and right monodromy variables. Earlier work on the subject, which traced back the quantum qroup symmetry of the model to the Lie-Poisson symmetry of the chiral symplectic form, left some open questions: - How to reconcile the monodromy invariance of the local 2D group valued field (i.e., equality of the left and right monodromies) with the fact that the latter obey different exchange relations? - What is the status of the quantum group symmetry in the 2D theory in which the chiral fields commute? - Is there a consistent operator formalism in the chiral and in the extended 2D theory in the continuum limit? We propose a constructive affirmative answer to these questions for G=SU(2) by presenting the chiral quantum fields as sums of chiral vertex operators and q-Bose creation and annihilation operators.Comment: 18 pages, LATE